Leadenhall Market Empty View

October 13, 2013

Leadenhall Market Empty View FinalLeadenhall Market Empty View FinalLeadenhall Market Empty View

When I stayed the weekend in London last month I was able to make an early Sunday morning start and get shots of an empty Leadenhall Market Building in the City of London. The site was used for market trading from Roman times though the first building for a Market was built in the early 14th century. The present magnificent wrought iron and glass structure was designed in 1881 by Sir Horace Jones, architect and surveyor for the City of London Corporation. Jones’ other work included Tower Bridge. The market is directly adjoining Lloyds of London so it’s Cafe’s and Restaurants are popular with City Workers. The Market was included in the film Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

The picture was taken with a Sony A700 with a Sigma 10-20 wide angle lens at 10mm.

3 raw images were taken at 2EV spacing. Opened in Photoshop first and each image noise reduced with Noiseware Pro and saved as tiffs. 


Outputted in Photomatix to Detail Enhancer.


The -2 EV image was copied in as a new layer and was then excluded with a black layer mask and a brush used to bring in more detail in the highlight areas.

Detail was brought back in with Topaz adjust with vibrant presets group with Detail 2 preset with adjustments. Some areas were excluded from the effect by applying Topaz on a duplicate layer with a layer mask.

The image was enhanced with curves to brighten. The effect was excluded from the highlights with a layer mask.

Hue Saturation reds were used to bring down the colour intensity.

Hue Saturation yellows were used to bring down the colour intensity in yellows especially the lights.

The burn tool was used to bring more detail into the highlights 1% brush used

Layers flattened before going on to sharpening.

Second duplicate layer with mask to apply extra sharpening and contrast with low amount and high radius using Unsharp mask (Clarity Effect) The settings were 60 amount and 60 radius. This effect was excluded from the highlights with a brush on a layer mask

The crop tool was used for better symmetry.


Below are the Before and After images. First the original image. Then the tonemapped image and then the final result.

Original at 0EV

Leadenhall Market Empty View OriginalLeadenhall Market Empty View OriginalLeadenhall Market Empty View

Tonemapped image

Leadenhall Market Empty View TonemappedLeadenhall Market Empty View TonemappedLeadenhall Market Empty View

 Final Image

Leadenhall Market Empty View FinalLeadenhall Market Empty View FinalLeadenhall Market Empty View

For Licence and prints see Leadenhall Market Empty View

Edwin Jones

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