Lanzarote Rocky Sunset HDR

January 09, 2014

Lanzarote Rocky Sunset HDR FinalLanzarote Rocky Sunset HDR FinalLanzarote Rocky Sunset HDR

On Tuesday I flew to Lanzarote in the Canary Islands for my usual mid winter warm weather break. The next day 8th January the weather was sunny but with streaks of wispy white cloud lasting all day, ideal for sunset colours. This was taken on the Playa Grande beach Puerto del Carmen, Lanzarote about 2 hours before high tide.

The picture was taken on a Tripod with a Sony A700 with a Sigma 10-20 wide angle zoom at 15 mm. 3 raw images 2EV spacing. Opened in Photoshop first and each image noise reduced with Noiseware Pro and saved as tiffs. As the brightest image did not provide enough detail in the rocks I used the plus 2EV RAW image to create an extra exposure a further 2 EV brighter.


The 4 images at 2EV separation were outputted in Photomatix fusion method Natural preset with adjustments.


The 0EV image was opened and then copied in as a new layer. A black layer mask was used to exclude this. Then a white brush at 50% opacity was used on a selection of the sky to confine the brush to that area and in order to darken the sky a little and bring in the original colours.

The sky selection was saved for future use in the processing by using select – save selection and naming it. This could then be brought back in by using Select – load selection.

More detail was brought in especially to the foreground using Topaz Adjust Specify setting. The adjustment was used with a layer mask and the sky selection used to exclude part of the adjustment from the sky.

Hue saturation decrease in magenta saturation applied with a layer mask only to parts of the sea which looked too purple.

Layers flattened before going on to sharpening.

Duplicate layer Noiseware Pro and a little sharpening.

The healing brush was used to remove sensor dust marks.


Below are the Before and After images. First the original. Then the tonemapped image and then the final result.

Original at 0EV

Lanzarote Rocky Sunset HDR OriginalLanzarote Rocky Sunset HDR OriginalLanzarote Rocky Sunset HDR

Tonemapped image

Lanzarote Rocky Sunset HDR TonemappedLanzarote Rocky Sunset HDR TonemappedLanzarote Rocky Sunset HDR

Final Image

Lanzarote Rocky Sunset HDR FinalLanzarote Rocky Sunset HDR FinalSONY DSC

For licenses see Lanzarote Rocky Sunset HDR

Edwin Jones

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