Premier Spiral London 2

March 07, 2014

Premier Spiral London 2 FinalPremier Spiral London 2 FinalPremier Spiral London 2

This spiral staircase is located at Premier Inn, Blackfriars located on Dorset Rise off Tudor Street a few minutes walk from Blackfriars Station.

The hotel was built in 2012 and is indeed so new that when I checked on Street View the location was still a building site. When I visited at about 2.00 pm it was very quiet with only cleaners around.

One thing I really like about the Spiral is the height, much greater than most.

The picture was taken handheld with a Sony A700 with a Sigma 10-20 wide angle lens at 16mm at 1/60 second at 500 ISO. One RAW image had its initial editing done in RAW. This included editing white balance to bring more blue into the centre of the Spiral and increasing Clarity.


The image was first adjusted in Topaz HDR preset group and smooth preset.

I rotated the image 180 degrees for better composition with the rail coming in from the bottom left rarther than top right.

Next the image was put through Topaz again, this time using vibrant detail dramatic with a layer mask to exclude the plain areas away from the railings.

Layers flattened before going on to sharpening.

Duplicate layer Noiseware Pro and a little sharpening.

Heal and clone tools used for tidy up.


Below are the Before and After images. First the original  and then the final result.


Premier Spiral London 2 OriginalPremier Spiral London 2 OriginalPremier Spiral London 2

Final Image after edits

Premier Spiral London 2 FinalPremier Spiral London 2 FinalPremier Spiral London 2

For licences and prints see Premier Spiral London 2

Edwin Jones

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