Woodland Autumn Dawn

November 22, 2012  •  Leave a Comment

Woodland Autumn Dawn FinalWoodland Autumn Dawn Final

On Sunday with some rare blue skies I took a bike ride over to Slindon, a West Sussex small village on the edge of the South Downs National Park to take autumn leaves shots. This was taken to one side of a footpath through woodland.

The picture was taken handheld with a Sony A700 with a Signa 10-20mm wide angle zoom at 10mm


3 images at 2EV separation were outputted in Photomatix to Tone Compressor Deep preset.


First the minus 20EV layer was copied in, excluded with a black layer mask and then a white brush used to bring it in for some areas to bring up lighting on some of the tree trunks. Photomatix does a good job of aligning 3 handheld images. However when copying in one of the original images it is important to align again manually. This is done before the mask is added by bringing down opacity to about 50% so both images are visible. Then use the move tool on the new layer to align.

Topaz adjust was used with vibrant presets group with Setting Sun dynamic preset with adjustments. The effect of this was to warm up the image and make it appear much closer to dawn than it was.The picture was actually taken 2 hours after dawn.

General adjustments in levels to enhance.

Hue saturation adjustment layer, saturation yellows was increased by 47 points to warm up the sun more.

Layers flattened before going on to sharpening.

Duplicate layer Noiseware Pro and a little sharpening.

Second duplicate layer with mask to apply extra sharpening and contrast with low amount and high radius using Unsharp mask (Clarity Effect) The settings were 59 amount and 59 radius.


Below are the Before and After images. First the middle of the 3 exposures. Then the tonemapped image and then the final result.

Original at 0EV

Woodland Autumn Dawn originalWoodland Autumn Dawn Original

Tonemapped image

Woodland Autumn Dawn TonrmappedWoodland Autumn Dawn Tonemapped

Final Image

Woodland Autumn Dawn FinalWoodland Autumn Dawn Final


For licences see Woodland Autumn Dawn


Edwin Jones


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