Cycling Cares Gorge Picos de Europa

July 29, 2013  •  2 Comments

Cycling Cares Gorge Picos de Europa FinalCycling Cares Gorge Picos de Europa Final

This is a scan of a slide taken about 20 years ago in the Picos de Europa mountains of Northern Spain. It was during a 2 week cycle club tour I had organised. At the time there was no ban on cycling along this path. Since then a strict ban has been imposed. I assume either because the path became much better known and busier or the Spanish decided it might be dangerous!

The scan was with the Nikon Coolscan 4 slide scanner


In Photoshop Topaz Adjust was used with the vibrant preset group and spicyfy preset to bring in more detail

Some areas, mainly highlights were excluded from the effect by applying Topaz on a duplicate layer with a layer mask.

Layers flattened before going on to sharpening.

First duplicate layer Noiseware Pro and a little sharpening

Second duplicate layer with mask to apply extra sharpening and contrast with low amount and high radius using Unsharp mask (Clarity Effect) The settings were 28 amount and 28 radius. A mask was used to partly exclude the effect from highlights.

The clone brush was used for tidy up including a small scratch on the slide.


Below are the Before and After images. First the original scanned image and then the final result.

Original scan

Cycling Cares Gorge Picos de Europa OriginalCycling Cares Gorge Picos de Europa Original

Final Image

Cycling Cares Gorge Picos de Europa FinalCycling Cares Gorge Picos de Europa Final

For Licence see Cycling Cares Gorge Picos de Europa

Edwin Jones


vami verma(non-registered)
Thanks for sharing this valuable information about cycling. Dare2Gear seems like a great resource for anyone looking to enhance their cycling experience. Check them out at <a href="" target="_blank">Dare2Gear</a>
vami verma(non-registered)
Thanks for sharing this valuable information about cycling. Dare2Gear seems like a great resource for anyone looking to enhance their cycling experience. Check them out at <a href="" target="_blank">Dare2Gear</a>
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